Desert Cottentail Chillaxin' at sunset

Creosote seed pods in the setting sun

Very healthy desert coyote in the wild

A manmade pond stocked with fish at a local golf course

A juvenile Cooper's Hawk, note the red eyes which turn brows upon maturity

Vermillion Flycatcher brings a welcome color of red to the drab desert

Mockingbird against a beautiful blue sky with new spring growth after winter

This cactus wren is full of spirit and rarely rests for long

The desert thrasher with its hooked beak is a menace to anything that crawls on the desert floor

Female Cooper's hawk looking at its mate who is calling on the next shot

Interesting celery leaftier or greenhouse leaftier moth, I love the braided antennae down its back.

Male Cooper's hawk calling out to its mate while scouting for a sunset meal

A common European starling with amazing color

Fountain Grass illuminated by the setting sun

Loquate tree full of fruit in the spring, imported but planted over 20 years ago

The yellow bird of paradise is a native of the Arizona desert

Neotropic Comerant having a scratch after dining

A pair of Mallards stopped over during their annual migration south

A proud papa finch singing after his mate gave birth to 5 new chicks

This Cactus fly is a heavy pollinator as it seeks nectar

Second shot of the Cactus fly

Carpenter bee heading out for some honeysuckle nectar

A little closer look at how this bee is a king pollinator

A Green lynx spider having an afternoon snack