Vermillion Flycatcher

Stellers Jay

Nest of the Hooded Oriole

Spotted Towhee

Cooper's Hawk at Sunset

Great Heron

Anna's Hummingbird


Vermillion Flycatcher


Cactus Wren

Cooper's Hawk

Northern Cardinal

Juvenile Cooper's Hawk with prey

Red Tail Hawk

Red Tail Hawk

Vermillion Flycatcher

Cassin's Kingbird

Cooper's Hawk

Arrowhead Sparrow

Black-Headed Grossbeak

Gila Woodpecker



Female Vermillion Flycatcher

American Robin

Great Blue Heron


Gamble Quail

Spotted Towhee

Gilded flicker

Cooper's Hawks with Mexican Bird of Paradise

Cooper's Hawk

Juvenile Cooper's Hawk

Gamble Quail Mates for Life

Male Gamble Quail

Probably Mother and Daughter

Gilded Flicker Perched Wing Spreadout

Female Crackle

Male Crackle

American Coot

Mallard Duck

Red Winged Black Bird

Great Blue Heron

White Pekin Duck


American White Pekin

Great Horned Owl